Mobile Sales

Logo Mobile Sales is a sales management solution that enables sales teams to manage their hot and cold sales processes in the field using mobile devices. Logo Mobile Sales is fully integrated with all Logo ERP solutions.

The days of wandering around the corridors for a job’s whereabouts, who’s responsible for it, and whether it’s done or not is now far behind. In conjunction with E-Flow, questions, estimates and hiding no longer exist . E-Flow tells you if a job has been completed. It checks and finds automatically the person for the next step and does the assignment on your behalf. In short, it presents you everything you need to know as a report. In that case, you can use E-Flow in the following departments and similar processes

  • Order recording
  • Invoice recording
  • Return order recording
  • Return invoice recording
  • Return reason recording
  • New customer recording
  • Update visit list
  • Record geographic location of the operation
  • Limit operation in customer site
  • Inventory control
  • Promotion and discount calculation
  • Product catalogue
  • Order taking from catalogue
  • Control payment method
  • Control due date of the invoice
  • Customer credit control
  • Product allocation
  • Customer history report
  • Customer balance report
  • Propose visit list
  • Propose order for customer
  • Daily sales report
  • Offline / online functionality
  • Actual sales / target comparison
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    Effective Field Management

    Logo Mobile Sales enables to carry out all processes such as sales pricing, campaigns and routes. With Logo Mobile Sales, you can manage your field teams, track them on a map, follow your field operations through Logo ERPsolutions, and send your purchase orders to customers faster.

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    Fast and Efficient Customer Service

    While your sales agents access to actual stock and current account information alongside of your customers, you can quickly enter an order, draw up an invoice, and make collections.

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    Customizable Reports

    With report design tool, you can create a report specific to your needs and share it with customer instantly.

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    Special Invoice Design Opportunity

    Mobile Sales provides for the wireless printing of invoices through Bluetooth printers. Whether narrow or wide, invoices can be easily printed with the printer sets which have been develop especially for the tools.

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    Mobile Compatible Barcode Scanners

    You can perform your purchase order and invoice transactions by scanning barcodes with barcode reading handheld terminals. Barcode reading functions is support by Android tablets and mobile phones.

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    Voice Command Feature

    Logo Mobile Sales enables to perform your operations such as voice customer and material searching and note taking. It is enough to say the first few words of a product intended to be found in the list. Voice command feature allows for fast and easy transaction.
